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Jaiva-Dharma Series

Jaiva-Dharma Series I (Till October 2023)

Jaiva-Dharma Series II (Start December 2023)

Sri Vraja-mandala Parikrama Series

Vraja-mandala Parikrama 2021

Vraja-mandala Parikrama 2023

Sri Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama Series

Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama 2024

Tithis – Glorification Series

Various Tithis – Glorifications

Sri Siksastaka Series

Siksastakam 2011

Srimad Bhagavatam Series

Bhagavatam Glorification – Dec 2012

Approaching Gopi-gita

10th Canto Venu Gita – Dec 2012

Srimad Bhagavatam Classes – March 2014

Appreciating Srimad Bhagavatam – November 2014

Srimad Bhagavatam 3rd Canto – January 2015

Bhramara Gita – March 2015

Kapila Devahuti Samvada – March 2015

Vrindavan Demons – December 2015

Pure Bhakti Academy Series (SB 10th Canto) – February 2016

Dasa Mula Series

Lectures on Dasa Mula

Zoom Classes/ Various Topics

Jaiva-dharma Live Classes

Glorification of Srila BV Narayana Gosvami Maharaja (2020)

Durvasa Rsi/ Durvasa Asrama_A prelude to the Vraja-Mandala Parikrama (Zoom class October 2021)

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Appearance Day (Zoom class September 2021)

Radha Tattva (Zoom class September 2021)

Srila Rupa Gosvami glorification and Vidagdha Madhava reading (Zoom class August 2021)

Hera Pancami ( Zoom class July 2021)

Srila Raghunata dasa Gosvami, Sri Mukunda Datta, Sri Sridhara Pandit, Sri Syamananda Prabhu (Zoom class June 2021)

Brahmara-gita (Zoom class June 2021)

Nrsimha-caturdasi (Zoom class 2021)

Damordarastakam Lectures (Zoom class_Kartika 2020)

Various Topics

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur (Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja speaks on the early life of him)

Bhoga offering

Vyasa Puja for Srila BV Narayana Goswami Maharaja

Fond memories of Srila Gurudeva (Centennial 2021)

Japa Retreats

Hidden Avatar (Navadvipa Interview 2010)

Sri Dasa Mula Siksa

Rupa Gosvami Conference (19th August 2013)

Rupa Gosvami Conference (15th August 2016)

The Cosmic Manifestation

Other Videos

Developing the eye of love (video by Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Goswami Maharaja)

Govardhana Parikrama from the Air

Jaiva-Dharma (read in Hindi)

Little Krsna Videos

Reincarnation (Video about Reincarnation)

Saragrahi Vaisnava (Video by Venu Gopal Prabhu)

Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival Prayer

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam_The World is One Family

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam_The World is One Family_PDF

Vrindavan Land of Krishna – Visit Vrindavan over 40 years ago!

11th Canto Srimad Bhagavatam (Youtube Videos by Sri Achyuta Lal Bhatta Goswami Maharaja)

What is Bhakti

Chinese Videos



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